Palm Springs, Florida.
Crisp and sunny.
February 12
Sick of having your energy, mood and life affected by pain?
Constantly holding you back…
Can’t bend down to pick up your kids or grandkids…
But when you go to see a physician or a healthcare provider you only receive short-term pain relief… and before you know it the pain is back worse than ever.
Before you know it your doctor is talking about surgery, lifelong pain medication, and the harsh reality that “this is something you are just going to have to live with.”
It’s frustrating when you’re in pain and can’t do what you want, especially when you don’t feel in control...
With Effective Physical Therapy, we put you in the driver's seat and give you your active lifestyle back by eliminating pain, no matter what you want to do.
Because hundreds of active adults who walked through our doors for the first time just had this exact experience.
After 6-8 sessions with our team of leading physical therapist, they are now moving freely, living unimpeded lives, and finally feeling ‘like themselves’ again.
Who just need a little help (or a lot of help!) getting back to the activities they love after an injury or set-back.
Who want to continue pushing their limits, but are being held back by an injury or pain. Read more about return to sport here.
Who don’t want their pain and stiffness to interfere with their training goals and are tired of being told to “just stop lifting” or working out.
Who know playing with their children is a lot easier and more enjoyable if they’re in less pain.
Who need to keep their bodies performing at their best, without painkillers or visits to the general practitioner.
Looking to get back to their favorite sport faster, stronger, and more enjoyable.
The 3-Step Process To Your Best Self
This is where it starts. This is a totally noncommittal consult where we take 15-20 minutes to listen to what's going on, what you’ve tried, and how this is affecting your life so we can understand your situation.
During your eval, We piece the parts of your story together using our unique EPT evaluation that looks at your body as one and find out the true cause of your problems.
Based on your assessment, we’ll develop a treatment plan tailored specifically to you and your goals. The tailored plan will ultimately get you stronger, pain-free, and on track to reach your goals more effectively and efficiently.
Manual Therapy involves skilled, targeted hands-on techniques that our expert physical therapists employ to diagnose and treat soft tissues and joint structures.
It aims to modulate pain, increase range of motion, reduce or eliminate soft tissue inflammation, induce relaxation, improve contractile and non-contractile tissue repair, extensibility, and/or stability, and facilitate movement to ultimately improve your function.
If you ask for help in implementing your plan, you are also covered by our “Effective PT Guarantee’! If after 3 sessions, you do not notice a reduction in your symptoms and noticeable improvements in your day to day life, then we do not deserver your hard earned money. Simply ask for a refund and we will return your money, no questions asked.
So What Are You Waiting For?
Start your journey to getting back to feeling like ‘You’ again today.
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